Zippin Pippin (Korth-P., – Korth-L.; 2021)
28”, 6.5”, M, Dor., 3 branches, 14buds, Diploid,
(Search for Green Pastures x Cosmic Kaleidoscope) x ((Arno’s Bow Tie x Cosmic Kaeidoscope) x Ida Mae Norris)
What do Elvis Presley and Green Bay Wisconsin have in common? The Zippin Pippin rollercoaster! Elvis loved the Zippin Pippin rollercoaster in Memphis Tennessee. The City of Memphis operated the Zippin Pippin from 1976 to 2005 when it was shut down (lack of income). In 2010, the City of Green Bay bought the rollercoaster and moved it to the Bay Beach Amusement Park. It began operation in Green Bay in 2011 and has been a popular attraction ever since. Our daylily has been named Zippin Pippin in honor of Elvis Presley and the city of Green Bay.
The daylily Zippin Pippin has a complicated breeding history resulting in a unique daylily. The dayily has a large green throat like many of our diploid introductions. But the look of the flower is complicated by a burgundy eye, a rusty red petal, and a distinctive midrib going to the petal tip. The flowers open well and look great every day.
Zippin Pippin is easily fertile both ways. We have some excellent seedlings under evaluation and will see a large crop bloom next year. The results thus far show promise in breeding lavender/blue eyes in some and orange flowers with banded red eyes in others. We can’t wait to see what next seasons batch of seedlings will bring.
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