I had to work today while Luel did all the work. She took pictures of some nice purples with white edges in the new seedling beds and did some hybridizing with them. When we first started hybridizing, I wanted to work with purples and add edges. Starting with Strutter’s Ball, we tried working with a variety of purples with mixed success. We had a breakthrough with our Tears for Gus getting white edging into our program. Ancient of Days followed with more success. The subsequent generations added dormancy and combining with Heartbeat of Heaven gave wider petals. The results are many stunning seedlings we could not have imagined 10 years ago. Here are three seedlings from today.
Seedling 124-6 ((Cooler by the Lake x Heartbeat of Heaven)x(924-23 – Heartbeat of Heaven x Song of the Redeemed)) is out of our premiere seedling 924-23. See earlier post for photo of 924-23. Great color and huge white edge on this flower.

Seedling 141-7 – Cooler by the Lake x (814-13 – Ancient of Days x Rolling Stone). This seedling is all from our own breeding program and we liked the ruffled white edge.

Seedling 172-4 is a toothy edged seedling that is also bitone. Luel crossed this with 2 nicely budded dormant seedlings that are also bitone. Parents are 933-16 ((Heir to the Throne x Hearbeat of Heaven x Ancient of Days) x Briar Patch.