Foundation Jewel


3 in stock



Foundation Jewel (Korth-P., – Korth-L.; 2022)

33”, 5.5”, EM, Dor., 4 branches, 20 buds, Tetraploid, rebloom in 2022

Violet Predator x (Built on the Rock x Year of Jubilee)

There are no perfect daylilies and each flower on each plant is unique.  While this is true, Foundation Jewel is so consistent that we could have photographed it almost every day.  The flowers open well in all kinds of weather including our cool and dry days that we often have during bloom season.  The flowers are typically blemish free (a trait we breed for).  The scapes present the flowers at a pleasing height.  It is pod and pollen fertile and is proving to be a great breeder.  The plant beneath the flower is excellent with good bud count and branching, hardy dormant foliage, and good growth rate.  Again, not a perfect daylily but Foundation Jewel does not have any obvious faults and we are sure it will be enjoyed at many gardens.

The best feature of Foundation Jewel is the clear red color.  We described it as cherry red because it has no hint of orange in the color.  The watermark is lighter red (pink) and the edge is pure white.  While not always toothy in appearance, the edge typically has small white teeth.  This characteristic is passed on to the offspring and we have some excellent seedlings from Foundation Jewel that have larger and more numerous teeth along with the clear red color.

In 2022, I took the first picture of Foundation Jewel on July 15 and the last picture on September 3 giving us a bloom season of over 7 weeks for this cultivar with rebloom adding to the bloom season.  In a more southerly location, we would expect similar performance.

Foundation Jewel continues our naming tradition of using a “mineral/rock” type name for our breeding line that started with Upon This Rock (registered in 2004).  In Revelation 21:19 it states the “foundations of the wall of the city were adorned with every kind of jewel”.  We think this plant is indeed a “jewel.”

Foundation Jewel

Foundation Jewel

Seedling from Foundation Jewel



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