Law and Gospel


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Law and Gospel (Korth-P., – Korth-L.; 2022)

31”, 7”, M, Dor., 4 branches, 26 buds, Diploid,

(Search for Green Pastures x Cosmic Kaleidoscope) x (Arno’s Bow Tie x seedling)


Law and Gospel is a different type of daylily and has a different history for us.  This first bloomed in 2016 and we kept it around for its unique appearance.  It was not until the 2022 bloom season that we knew we needed to introduce this plant.  It was finally lined out and given space to bloom this summer and it put on a wonderful show.  It is also unique in that we are introducing Law and Gospel and its offspring Flawless in His Eyes in the same year.

Law and Gospel features burgundy petals with a wide slate lavender band around the large green throat.  The unique genetics in the parentage show up with the large green throat from our green breeding lines (Search for Green Pastures and Arno’s Bow Tie), the bands in the eye from Cosmic Kaleidoscope and Arno’s Bow Tie, and the bi-tone sepals from Arno’s Bow Tie.  The hard dormant foliage is also from our northern diploid breeding program.  We like the green and lavender combination.

One feature that makes Law and Gospel unique is the large sepals that seem longer than the petals.  This gives the flowers an unruly look and Law and Gospel flowers on the same day on the same plant often look much different.  The long sepals often do not recurve and extend well out past the petals.  The green on the sepals extends out farther than the flower throat which is much different than many of our diploid introductions that feature a round green appearance with the sepals and petals matching – not so on Law and Gospel.  The sepals are bi-tone with most of the sepal being green except for the tip which has a light red spot on it.

The flowers of Law and Gospel are large and this year, most of the lined out plants had exceptional scapes.  We used the scape statistics we saw this year but do not recall the large bud counts in other years.  This may be due to better growing conditions and more mature clumps that allowed the plants to show their true scape potential but it is also a reminder to give plants the best possible growing conditions to get their best performance.

Law and Gospel is an excellent parent giving its unique look to its offspring.  It has already produced one named cultivar and we are looking at one other for potential introduction.

Law and Gospel was named for the sometimes wild look (Law) and the sometimes well behaved look (Gospel) that this flower will appear as.  Both looks are necessary to complete the total uniqueness of this flower.

Law and Gospel

Law and Gospel

Law and Gospel seedling


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