Pinewood Servant King


6 in stock



Pinewood Servant King (Korth-P., – Korth-L.; 2022)

26”, 5.5”, M, Dor., 5 branches, 25 buds, Tetraploid, rebloom in 2022

Worthy of All Praise x Servant to All


Pinewood Servant King is an all-around fine plant.  The flower appearance is a combination of the two parents with clear color and excellent form.  The flower scapes are well branched and budded.  It is pod and pollen fertile and should be a fine parent.  Bred from two of our hardy dormant introductions, Pinewood Servant King has grown well through 6 winters here.

The petal color varies from dark purple to medium purple depending on the weather and sky color.  The white/gold edge is showy and can display teeth on a regular basis but we have not called it a toothy variety.  The lavender watermark and bright green throat finish off the attractive flower.

The bud count has been consistently good and in 2022, we had good rebloom as well extending the bloom season well into September.  The pod parent of Pinewood Servant King was our Worthy of All Praise which was a fine plant.  The newer Pinewood Servant King is taller and larger than its pod parent and will make a fine addition to the garden.

Pinewood Servant King

Pinewood Servant King

Pinewood Servant King



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