Water in the Wilderness


3 in stock



Water in the Wilderness (Korth-P., – Korth-L.; 2022)

27”, 6”, M, Dor., 5 branches, 29 buds, Tetraploid, rebloom in 2022

Healing Waters x (Inviting Romance x (Blue Ambition x Jacob’s Well))


I am typically amazed at the number of named parents that are involved in our cream/lavender eyed breeding program.  Our breeding in this color range took many generations to get quality plants that were hardy for us.  Water in the Wilderness is our latest dormant and hardy plant that has proven to be an excellent garden and breeding plant.  The breeding has our own Healing Waters as the pod parent.  Healing Waters was one of our first dormant and hardy cultivars in this color range and has proven to be a wonderful breeder.  The pollen parent included the evergreen Inviting Romance (from Ted Petit) and our own evergreen Blue Ambition (out of Luddy Lambertson’s Blue Hippo).  Having the dormant Jacob’s Well in the genetics made the pollen work well with Healing Waters and we had several seedlings that were evaluated for introduction.  Water in the Wilderness proved to be the best and we are pleased to release it.

As a garden plant, Water in the Wilderness is consistently beautiful.  While the color will vary with the weather, the flowers open nearly perfectly and are waiting for me when I do my first early morning garden tour.  In 2022, we had 6 weeks of bloom season with Water in the Wilderness with some rebloom extending the season.

The petal is a pleasing cream color.  The lavender eyezone begins around the large green throat.  A band of burgundy surrounds the eyezone with the burgundy often bleeding out onto the petals.  The edge of lavender, burgundy and silver is tightly ruffled.

As a parent, it has proven excellent at making hardy plants with enhanced eyes, edges, and patterns.  We are excited to see what future seedlings will show us.

Water in the Wilderness

Water in the Wilderness

Seedling 44-1 out of Water in the Wilderness

Seedling 238-3 out of Water in the Wilderness



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