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Seedlings All Planted

Here is it the start of the bloom season but I want to show how we plant the seedlings.  After starting them in the basement, we moved the seedlings outside in early May to harden off, then to plant.  Luel does all the planting, while I till the planter boxes.  All are planted in raised beds that are 6′ x 8′.  This is an easy size to build and maintain as we can mulch and weed these boxes without walking in them. 

Seedlings are planted in rows 8 inches apart and each seedling is planted 6 inches apart in the row.  We get 13 rows and 12 seedlings in each row for the typical box. 

Above picture is seedlings being introduced to daylight and wind after growing in the basement. 

Here is Luel taking apart the seedlings in the pot before she plants them. 

Above is seedlings with roots after being removed from pot. 

These are typical seedlings before planting. 

Above shows newly planted seedlings.  The first seedlings got more weather shock and all their foliage died back.  It regrew later and now they look like the newer seedlings that were planted when it was warmer and never had foliage die off. 

I will finish mulching all the seedling beds this week to keep weeds down and reduce watering requirements.  We use chopped leaves from last fall stored in bags for the last 8 months.Â